3 Must-have Anti-tick & Flea Products

Ticks in dogs

Every pet parent has experienced the battle against ticks and fleas.

And they (including you) will agree…it is a never-ending fight!

Since we’ve been there, we decided to compile a list of effective, must-have anti-tick & flea products for your pets.

Spot-on Treatments

What are Spot-on Treatments?

These topical products are usually applied to the back of your pet’s neck, between the shoulder blades, and they provide protection for several weeks.

The active ingredients in spot-on treatments spread through your pet’s skin, effectively repelling and killing ticks and fleas.

How to Use Spot-on?

1. Start by selecting the appropriate spot-on treatment based on your pet’s weight and size.

2. Part your pet’s fur between the shoulder blades to expose the skin.

3. Squeeze the contents of the spot-on treatment onto the exposed skin. Be sure to avoid getting the product in your pet’s eyes or mouth.

4. Allow the product to dry naturally. Prevent your pet from licking the area until the product has dried completely.

5. Check the product’s instructions for the recommended frequency of application.

Typically, these treatments are applied once a month.

P.S. – Don’t expose your pet to any water-related activities post spot-on application for at least 48 hours.

Find more pros & cons of spot-on treatment for pets in this blog.

Tick and Flea Collars

What are Tick & Flea Collars?

Tick and flea collars are filled with chemicals that are slowly released onto your pet’s skin and fur, creating a protective barrier against ticks and fleas.

They are easy to use and provide prolonged protection.

How to Use

1. Choose a collar that is suitable for your pet’s size and weight.

2. Place the collar around your pet’s neck, leaving enough space to fit two fingers comfortably between the collar and the neck.

3. Make sure the collar is not too tight, as this can cause discomfort for your pet.

4. Check the collar’s packaging for information on how long it provides protection and when it needs to be replaced.

Find more pros & cons of spot-on treatment for pets in this blog.

Anti-tick and Flea Shampoos

What are Anti-tick & Flea Shampoos?

Anti-tick and flea shampoos contain active ingredients that eliminate these pests and provide temporary relief from itching and irritation.

How to Use

1. Choose an anti-tick and flea shampoo formulated for your pet’s species (dog or cat).

2. Thoroughly wet your pet’s coat with lukewarm water.

3. Apply a generous amount of the shampoo and work it into a lather, focusing on areas where ticks and fleas are commonly found, such as the neck, underbelly, and around the tail.

4. Allow the shampoo to sit on your pet’s coat to allow the active ingredients to work effectively.

5. Rinse your pet’s coat thoroughly to remove all traces of the shampoo.

6. Towel dry your pet and keep them warm until their coat is completely dry.

Find more pros & cons of spot-on treatment for pets in this blog.

We hope this helps you & your pet fight the battle against ticks & fleas effectively!

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