Kitten’s First Day? – Here’s a Quick Checklist!

Cat adoption

Adopted or planning to adopt a kitten? Great! Don’t know what to do next? Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

1. Create a Safe Space for Your Kitten

  • Cosy space in a room
  • Comfortable bed
  • Snuggly blanket

2. Kitten-Proofing the House

Just like human babies, kittens are curious explorers. Follow this list to kitten-proof –

  • Remove potential hazards – wires, remotes, pens, blinders, curtains, laptop chargers etc
  • Remove Small objects – rubber bands, plastic wrappers, hair ties, safety pins etc
  • Remove plants that can be toxic for your kitten
  • Hide cleaning supplies like phenyl etc as well


3. Litter Box Setup

  • Place it in one designated area
  • Use unscented litter
  • Encourage your kitten to use it

4. Food and Water Stations

  • Set up separate food & water bowls
  • Opt for shallow dishes that are easy for tiny noses to reach
  • Feed only high-quality kitten food that meets their nutritional needs

5. Food and Treats

Provide high-quality kitten food & treats for positive reinforcement during training.

6. Toys and Playtime

Kittens love to play! So you offer them the best of toys like –

  • Feather wands
  • Balls with bells
  • Interactive puzzle toys
  • Chasing & swatting toys
  • Electronic battery-operated toys
  • Tunnels
  • Interactive laser pointers
  • Treat-dispensing toys
  • Catnip toys
  • Play tents

7. Grooming Supplies

  • Kitten safe shampoo
  • Brush
  • Soft towels
  • Grooming gloves

8. Scratching Post

A scratching post or pad helps satisfy your kitten’s natural urge to scratch while protecting your furniture.

9. Collar and ID Tag

If you plan to let your kitten explore outdoors in the future, a collar with an ID tag is crucial. Make sure it’s comfortable and adjustable.

10. Vet Appointment

Get them their first dose of vaccinations, deworming & checkup asap!

Your checklist is now complete! Happy cat parenting!

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