The Right Way To Give Your Cat a Bath

Cat bathing

Trust us, giving your cat a bath doesn’t have to be stressful.

Because with the right approach, you can make bath time a purrfect experience for your little one. Here’s how –

Step 1: Prepare Ahead

Before you even think about turning on the faucet, gather everything you need to create a comfortable and calming environment.


Have cat-friendly shampoo, towels, a non-slip mat, a gentle brush, and cotton balls for the ears. Find a quick checklist for bathing your cat here!

Choose the Right Time

Opt for a time when your cat is calm and relaxed. Avoid moments when they’re agitated or playful.

Step 2: Trim Nails and Brush

Trim your cat’s nails before the bath to reduce the risk of scratching. In this case, prevention is better than cure.

Grab a gentle brush & run it through their fur before you give them a bath. Why? Because it helps remove loose hair and prevents tangling during the bath.

Step 3: Introduce Your Cat to Water Gradually

Start with Paw Dipping

Fill the tub or basin with a few inches of lukewarm water. Gently place your cat in the water and let them explore with their paws.

Not sure if the water temperature is right? Try these 3 easy ways to know!

Positive Associations

Offering treats is a great way to create a positive association.

But your hands will be occupied in the process. So how do you do it?

Get a licky mat instead. Simply place it on the wall & smear your cat’s favorite treat all over it. While your kitty licks the mat clean, you can give them a quick bath!

Step 4: Shampoo Time

Use Cat-Friendly Shampoo

Choose a gentle, hypoallergenic cat shampoo. You can choose one that fits your kitty’s requirements & your budget. There are plenty of options in the market now!

P.S. – Never use human shampoo, as it can be too harsh for their sensitive skin.

Lather Gently

Apply a small amount of shampoo and lather it onto your cat’s fur. Be extra cautious around their face, ears, and eyes.

For their face, ears & eyes, you can use a soaked cotton cloth to wipe. Or you can choose pet-safe wipes. The decision is really yours!

Step 5: Rinse Thoroughly

Lukewarm Water

Rinse your cat thoroughly using lukewarm water. Ensure all the shampoo is washed out, as residual shampoo can irritate their skin.

Step 6: Drying Off

Towel Dry

Wrap your cat in a towel and gently pat them dry.

Do not use a blow dryer though. Most cats dislike the sound of a blow dryer, so use it only if your cat is comfortable.

Step 7: Post-Bath Comfort

Warm and Quiet Space

Place your cat in a warm, cozy, and quiet room to finish drying off. Make sure there are no drafts.

Hope you found this step-by-step guide easy!

Let’s get your cat ready for her first bath now.

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